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GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY - Wine Tasting in Hertfordshire



On Thursday 21 June 2018, 50 members of the Welwyn Wine Society celebrated the 50th anniversary of the foundation of our Wine Society in Monks Walk School at a social event which was funded by the Society.    It was a fine hot summer evening and everyone was greeted with a glass of cool white wine and given time to chat and socialise with fellow members for a while.   A fine and plenteous buffet meal was then served to tables seating about eight to ten members and a choice of good red wine was enjoyed with the food.   This was followed somewhat later by a selection of cheeses and biscuits and yet more red wine.

There was a superb anniversary cake which was cut by the oldest member, sprightly 96-year-old Tony Southern, and it was much enjoyed by everyone.   There was a short talk about the early days of the society given by Brian Clarke who, together with current members Andy Pajackowski and Mike Harding, was present when the society was founded in the ICI recreation club in February 1968.   An early one-time member, Andrew Millinger, also spoke about his memories and the excesses of the early days of the society.

There was much reminiscing about old times,  about the sort of wines we used to drink in the past compared with our present wines and about how little wine used to cost in those days.  With sadness we remembered those members no longer with us and we spoke of the need for new members.

We talked about the many wine suppers we used to attend in members' homes, about Wine Dinners and Wine Fairs that we had enjoyed, about English vineyards we had visited with the society and much else.  But we also looked forward to the many wines yet to be tasted in the future.

It was a most enjoyable evening with much credit going to all those members of the committee who organised it and to those who provided the buffet.  The event ended just before 10 pm when we made our farewells and went home.

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